All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
The 2025 edition of the conference WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities offers two distinct options for presenting your work: oral or poster.
Abstracts and full papers must be submitted only through the Easy Chair web platform. Unless you have already one, you will be asked to create an Easy Chair account, by providing your full name and a valid e-mail address. After logging in, follow the instructions, step by step, and then use the “Submit” button at the bottom of the form.
All full papers accepted will be included in a book published by Springer, that will be proposed to Scopus and Web of Science – ISI for indexing.
The title and the abstract of the papers should be entered as plain text, without any HTML elements. The abstract should be approximately within 300 to 500 words. Not exceed 800 words.
Full papers should be in PDF format (file extension .pdf) according to the following templates. The entire manuscript (i.e., text, figures, tables, bibliography, etc.) must be no more than 8 pages long including graphs, tables and figures. Any manuscript having excess pages will not be accepted.
The title and the abstract of the papers should be entered as plain text, without any HTML elements. The abstract should be approximately within 300 to 500 words. Not exceed 800 words.
– The submission form is open: Submission Link
– Abstract submission deadline: January 15, 2025 January 31, 2025
– Notification of abstract acceptance: February 7, 2025 February 20, 2025
For logistic reasons, it will not be possible to accept papers after this date.
Full papers should be in PDF format (file extension .pdf) according to the following templates The entire manuscript (i.e., text, figures, tables, bibliography, etc.) must be no more than 8 pages long including graphs, tables and figures. Any manuscript having excess pages will not be accepted.
– Full paper submission for review: March 15, 2025 April 4, 2025
The submission form is open: Submission Link
– Notification of review results: April 30, 2025
– Final paper submission: June 2, 2025
For logistic reasons, it will not be possible to accept papers after this date.
Poster during Wastes2025 will be displayed in the designated area which is located at the foyer of the Conference Center. The area is accessible from the entrance of the Conference Hall. The Posters will be demonstrated during all conference days, and they will be always accessible during the conference.
Poster presenters should make sure their poster is in place before the start of their poster session. The allocated locations will be listed in the conference program.
In this edition of Wastes conference, there will be a special award for the best poster. The originality, clarity, and presentation of the poster, as well as its explanation by the author/presenter, will be evaluated by a committee.
More information soon
Poster boards will be provided to accommodate all posters. The dimensions of the posters should be: A0 paper dimensions approximately 0.90cm x 1.20 cm (width x height) in portrait orientation. There is no defined format or template for the posters. All materials necessary for attaching the posters to the boards will be available at the facility desks in the respective Poster area. Assistance will be available by the secretariat’s personnel to help authors in putting up or in taking down their posters, if needed.
The time allocated for all oral presentations is 15 minutes in total, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion at the end of each speech. It is very important to keep in track with the times as scheduled in the program, as there will be 4 sessions running in parallel.
All rooms will be fully equipped with laptop PC, projector, microphones, and laser pointer.So, speakers are not required to bring their own laptop or tablet. Presentations should be in PDF or PowerPoint format and should not include pre-recorded speeches.
All speakers must hand in their presentations in a flash drive labeled with the speech ID number to the designated desk at the entrance hall of the Conference center by the end of the previous day, or, at least early on the day of their presentation.
Speakers are asked to contact the session Chair(s) before their session begins, having prepared in advance a “golden” paragraph with a brief biographical description.
Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities
CVR – Centro para a Valorização de Resíduos
Campus de Azurém da Universidade do Minho
4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
VAT nr. PT505812657
+ 351 253 510 021
(Cost of call to national fixed network)
+ 351 253 510 027
(Cost of call to national fixed network)